

Therapy self-assessment - ATTILA 9 March 2021.

I arrived at the house eight months and eight days before 01 July 2020. Therapy before the
my life became very tumultuous because of the slip-ups and the police cases and I found out and I
I was scared that I was going in a very wrong direction. At the beginning of my therapy I had no determination and
I didn't have any disease awareness, but after the first 2 months I decided to do the therapy myself and have a normal clean life.


I had no problems fitting in. I found common ground with everyone and was submissive to my peers, mentors and house rules. It was difficult to overcome the anxiety, the discouragement and the uncertainty. What I still struggle with today is dyslexia and reading aloud, which is why I find it difficult to speak in front of many people. I have now managed to change all these things. I am grateful for your patience and courage, which helped me a lot. This summer has left me with lasting memories. It was new for me to be able to experience things like this in rehab and in a clean way. I have very happy memories of the canoe camp and the week of silence, things I will remember for a very long time. These memories made me feel that this really is a special place and that people really do heal and recover here, and I am terribly grateful that life hasn't taken me elsewhere. What I feared was that I wouldn't be accepted and that I wouldn't have enough determination and perseverance, but that has now been completely disproved. For the first few months it was strange for me not to be alone and to always be in company and to be able to say anything. I looked into my past and managed to understand how I got here. What I have done a lot of work on is to recognise my feelings and be able to manage them. From the second phase onwards, it was easier to be here with fewer tasks but more responsibilities.What I was able to practice a lot was determination, reliability and leading by example. From the second phase, I started to feel that I was a full member of the community and that gave me a big boost. I started to see the change in myself and I got a lot of positive reinforcement. But change has not been easy. The many success stories and the adventure again and again were very much reinforced by the shared rides, cycling around Lake Venice, team games and deep conversations with my peers. It's when I feel like I belong to someone who supports me and helps me. A big struggle throughout therapy was the mood swings. It caused many difficult minutes and days. What I would like to highlight is the old office. From that I could take a lot of determination, self-assertion, help and courage. I have tried to take it seriously and set an example with little success. This one month has given me the most.


Which I think I've been able to change a lot during my stay. What is most important to me is determination, taking responsibility, reliability and recognising and expressing emotion. I have developed a lot in understanding and applying the prayer of acceptance and peace. I have learned humility towards my illness and life. For me, communication was a great leap forward in terms of assertive communication, appropriate self-expression and advocacy. My body got stronger and I was able to get myself physically fit. I've learned a lot about myself, but I want to continue this outside. I learnt to set boundaries and to be purposeful, which was missing in my whole life. These eight months have shown me how to live a normal life and I will use everything I have learnt here to have a smooth life. I am indescribably grateful to the house for all that I have received and to my mentors for guiding me on my path and to my peers for holding up an honest mirror to me and accepting me as I am and helping me to change. Thank you for all your courage and love, I will never forget it.


To all my partners I wish you a lot of support and successful therapy and believe in yourselves and you will be missed. I also wish the mentors perseverance and successful work!


Attila 17


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