If you have decided that a residential drug treatment home can provide you with
help you, or if this is still an issue for you, contact us
with confidence! At the Crossroads, a one-to-one discussion can help you to understand more clearly what
would be the best solution for you. If you are open, we can help
but the decision remains in your hands.
If you choose a drug treatment home, there are many options
and we are happy to provide information about the different homes.
Preschool for adults in Ráckeresztur and Zsibrik, for juveniles
and for juveniles at the Drug Treatment Home for Juveniles in Ráckeresztur. Women
Our female clients are referred to the Dawn Star Rehabilitation Home in Dunaharaszti.
The admission interview takes place here and the contract is signed here. If you
one of these homes, it is important that you are
stay in contact with the person who will be doing your pre-screening - individual
in person or by telephone, on an individual basis.
Conditions for moving to the homes:
- Personal documents (identity card, address card, social security card, tax number)
- Lung screening
- Hepatitis and HIV screening
- Medical referral and medical opinion
We can also help you to obtain these, details can be discussed at the first appointment
at the first appointment. For a first interview, call 061/224-01-22,
or by e-mail at the following address.