On Monday evenings, from 18:30-21:00, the Addiction Bridge Group will be looking for ways forward together after the addiction has been overcome.
Who can attend the groups?
The group is open to anyone who does not use drugs, is not under the influence of any substance, and is not expecting to have a primary treatment problem.
Please contact us if you want to be part of the group:
Be abstinent from all mood-altering drugs,
If you are in a residential program, be near the end of it,
Volunteer to come to the group for yourself.
The above "requirements" are essential because they indicate that you are ready for aftercare. Remember that this group is for recovering addicts who have already shown strong results and are able to commit to long-term changes in their lifestyle.
Drug-free is not the only rule, but it is the most important rule, because abstinence is the backbone and cornerstone of real change.
When you have taken many steps, when you have made many good choices, when you have achieved some of your goals, you know exactly what a treasure your purity is!
Take pride in your purity, but don't get complacent! It is likely that you, too, encounter in your daily life the questions that almost without exception all our friends in your situation experience and ask themselves.
Your life, your situation, may not be like anyone else's, but the vast majority of the questions you and your peers ask are very similar. Perhaps you yourself have felt that your answers to these questions have a great impact on your existence, and may even decide your purity in a given situation, so if you want to stay pure, you must find real answers to your real questions!
On this journey, we want to help you to ask your questions and find answers that are worth solving!
You are welcome and open to the Hanging Bridge Group, and beyond the "professional" questions, you can also be part of a great self-help group!
BUT! Abstinence is a prerequisite for belonging to the group! Please come to the group only if you want to work on keeping clean and on your physical, mental and spiritual development! If your goal is to achieve purity, feel free to contact us by phone or email and we will help you find a solution worthy of your help.
Mátyás Nerada
Addiction Counsellor
Website: addiktologiaikonzultacio.hu