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Basic Literatures A.A. hun

        A Napi Elmélkedések az elmélkedések könyve, melyet A.A. tagok írtak A.A. tagoknakMinden napra az aktuális gondolat nyílik meg, idézettel, és egy-egy gondolattal.A napi meditáció összhangban van havi szinten a 12 lépéssel és a 12 hagyománnyal. (Tehát pl. májusban az 5. lépés és az 5, hagyomány a vezérfonal)   (Ez a könyv nem létezne ha anno Molnár Vilmos "Napi Elmélkedések" alkalmazását nem készítette volna el nekünk áldozatos munkával évekkel ezelőtt. Az ő tartalmát használtuk fel a weboldalon és az alkalmazásban is. Nagy köszönet neki ezért!)   Az epub verzió zavartalan...

Basic Literatures A.A. hun

     Öt évi komoly munka van e könyv mögött, miután egy A.A.-tag rámutatott szükségességére. A...

Basic Literatures A.A. hun

     Bill így látja több száz idézetet tartalmaz irodalmunkból, melyek az A.A. életstílusának...

Basic Literatures A.A. hun

        A Napi Elmélkedések az elmélkedések könyve, melyet A.A. tagok írtak A.A....

Basic Literatures A.A. eng

       Tartalom:   Az A.A. tagok által az A.A. tagoknak írt elmélkedések könyve Az...

Basic Literatures N.A. hun

    A függők által, függők számára és függőkről írt könyv, amely az Anonim Narkotikumok...

Basic Literatures A.A. eng

      Tartalom:   A nagy sikerű könyv második kiadása azt a nézetet képviseli, hogy a család...

Basic Literatures A.A. eng

     Tartalom:    A Tizenkét lépés és tizenkét hagyomány az Anonim Alkoholisták 24...

Basic Literatures N.A. hun

    Ez a kiadvány a Narcotics Anonymous Just for Today, Daily Meditations for Recovering...



12 Steps


We have admitted that we are powerless over alcohol - that our lives have become out of control.
We have come to believe that a Power greater than ourselves can restore our spiritual health.
We decided to leave our will and our lives to the providence of a God of our own understanding.
We have fearlessly taken an in-depth moral inventory of ourselves.
We confessed to God, to ourselves and to a fellow human being the true nature of our faults.
We were fully prepared for God to deliver us from all these defects of character.
We humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
We made a list of all those who had ever harmed us, and we became willing to make reparation for all of them.
We have made direct reparation to them where possible, except where it would have been detrimental to them or others.
We continued to take personal inventory and promptly admitted when we made mistakes.
We sought through prayer and meditation to deepen our conscious relationship with God according to our own understanding, praying only that we would recognize His will for us and have the strength to fulfill it.
As a result of these steps, we have experienced a spiritual awakening, have tried to bring this message to alcoholics, and have applied these principles to all aspects of our lives.


12 Tradition


Let our collective well-being come first, our personal recovery depends on the unity of A.A.
In group affairs there is only one absolute authority - a loving God - who can manifest himself in our group consciousness. Our leaders are merely trusted servants, not leaders.
The only condition of A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking.
Let all groups be independent except in matters that affect other groups or A.A. as a whole.
The single, primary purpose of each group is to get its message to the still suffering alcoholic.
An A.A. group should never give its money, name or support to any related institution or outside business, lest problems of money, property and prestige divert it from its primary purpose.
Each A.A. group should be completely self-sustaining, eliminating outside contributions.
A.A. should remain non-professional at all times, although our service centres may employ professional staff.
A.A. itself should never be organized, but we can form service boards or committees that are directly responsible to those they serve.
The Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside matters, so the A.A. name should never be involved in public debate.
Our relationship with the public is based primarily on appeal, not publicity. We must always maintain our personal anonymity in the press, on the radio and in films.
The spiritual foundation of our traditions, anonymity is always a reminder that principles come before individuals.

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