
Address: 1012 Budapest, Attila út 89.
Phone numbers: 1-3568-363; 1-3569-599
Fax: 1-3569-599
E-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact person: Csaba Madár
Organisational form: local government
Supply activity:
- Group treatment, care.
Opening hours: Mon: 9.30-17, Wed-Sat: 13-17,
Thu: 9.30-17, Fri: 9-13.

Address: 1165 Budapest, Baross Gábor u. 51.
Phone number: 1-4010-435
Fax: - - -
E-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: - - - -
Contact person:József Csorba, dr.
Organisational form: local government
Supply activity:
- Health care for alcohol and drug users
Opening hours: Mon: 14-19; Sat: 9-13.

Department:Civil Harm Reduction Social
Contact programme
Address: 1136 Budapest, Hollán Ernő u. 40. (basement)
Postal address: 1138 Bp., Balzac u. 48/a.
Phone number:
(+36-1) 3202-866, (+36-20) 9394-331
E-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact person: Varga Mónika
Organisational form: foundation
Supply activity:
- Low-threshold psychosocial services
- Advice, consultation, harm reduction
- Needle exchange: on signal and/or occasionally from drug use
hazardous waste (needles, syringes,
injectors and other devices) are collected in the IV., XIII.
and in the XV district.
- Outreach activity:
Jumbuj programme on Wednesday and Friday 10-11.30
(Illatos road - Gubacsi road corner).
Contact: Mónika Varga (+36-20-9394-331)
- Laundry, internet use
Reception hours:
Mon-Sat: 16-20, Thurs: 16-19, Fri-Fri: 16-20.

Address: 1092 Budapest, Kinizsi u. 11. II/16.
Phone number: (+36-1) 2151-397
E-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact person: Varga Judit
Contact person's e-mail address:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Organisational form: foundation
Supply activity:
- Low-threshold, psychosocial care
- Harm reduction
- Street social work
- Self-help
- Telephone service (12-24 hours)
- Protected residential accommodation
Reception hours:
By telephone at an agreed time.

Address: 1046 Budapest, Külső szilágyi út 14.
Phone/Fax: (+36-1) 2321-390
Freephone number:
(+36-80) 505-678
E-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Organisational form: association
Supply activity:
- Low-threshold, psychosocial services
- Advice, consultation
- Emergency telephone service 0-24 hours
- Distribution: preventive-educational service
(Tel.: +36-20-9349-690)
- Relatives' group and individual case management
- In-school and out-of-school prevention and
health protection
- Search activity
Contact person:
Anikó Szepesi (+36-20-2239-906);
Péter Babusa (+36-20-2237-253)
Reception hours: telephone service: 0-24
Life coaching, psychosocial care:
by appointment.
Base club 14-22 years old: 14-20.
Drop-in service: between 10-14 hours.

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