
Bugát Pál Hospital Rehabilitation Mental Health Unit

Bugát Pál Hospital Rehabilitation Mental Health Unit


Address: 3200 Gyöngyös Dózsa Gy. út 20-22.
Telephone: 37/ 491-344


Nature of the problem being treated

Alcohol addiction, gambling addiction


Nature and focus of the therapeutic programme

Minnesota model


Number and gender distribution of jobs

10 people, coeducational


Staff composition by profession/function/activity/role, etc.


Length of the therapy programme

8 weeks


Is there pre/post-care

Prior specialist examination required for admission.


Conditions for access to therapy

- On a voluntary basis
- Specialist examination after the patient has called in
- Sufficient motivation
- Suitable saved. status


Exclusionary reasons

Acute psychotic state, mental decline


Reimbursement fee

Social security financed

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