

I'm Tímea Kiss-Lukasik, I'm an experiential helper, a social worker, I've been nurturing my sobriety since 1997. My favourite fields are theatre and music therapy, art therapy, risk therapy. My hobbies are rock and wall climbing, I love animals and wildlife, I love hiking and camping, but I am afraid of deep water. I'm still working on that...


My name is Krisztián Kapitány, addiction counsellor, Reformed deacon.Since 2015 I have been working as a mental health worker at the MRE KIMM Home for Drug Treatment of Minors, where I have gained insight into the life paths of several addicts during individual consultations and facilitation of therapy groups. I deeply believe that there is no life situation from which there is no way out, no way to alleviate suffering.

As a case management mentor, I have learned that I cannot take over the major decisions in my clients' lives, nor can I fix the major stumbling blocks in their lives alone. But by working together to create an accepting atmosphere and stimulate reflection, we can move closer to taking more responsibility and accepting reality. Towards a reality that has not always been the default in my own life. My way out of my severe substance use disorder and my lack of purpose was a long journey of self-discovery and a series of different therapies. Today, I face the challenges of the rest of my life in a happy marriage, with a restored sense of self-worth and realistic goals, not forgetting the lessons and trials of my past.

In my free time I enjoy self-improvement, reading and sports. In addition to regular supervision sessions, mountain biking and swimming contribute greatly to maintaining my spiritual balance, without which authentic help is unthinkable for me.


Addiction treatment always requires outside help, you cannot quit alone. Recovery from addiction is easier with the help of someone who has experienced the difficult but successful journey of recovery.

I lived my life as an addict for 16 years, if you can call it a life at all. In 2013, I completed a 13-month residential rehabilitation programme, during which a mentor helped me recover and start a new life. From 2015 to 2019, I worked in the adult unit of the MRE KIMM Ráckeresztúr Drug Treatment Home, and since 2019 I have been a case management mentor in the Juvenile (Tinirehab) unit.

I have dedicated my life to changing the lives of addicted adults like me and teenage boys with deviant behaviours. I graduated in 2021 and I am now officially working as a Social Worker in the Mission. I love playing football and gardening with the kids.

I am István Jónás, case management mentor. I am currently studying theology and pastoral psychology at PTF. I am a family man with two children. I converted ten years ago, and musical worship, preaching and witnessing are an important part of my work.  "For by grace you have obtained salvation through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God..." (Ephesians 2:8)

After a six-month backpacking tour of South East Asia, I decided I wanted to join the Teen Rehab team: I started volunteering at the Home in 2017. In parallel, I had the opportunity to assist the team as a programme organiser at the ADNA Café, a café run by the Drug Mission, where we carried out indirect prevention activities among high school and university students in the area through our cultural events.

In 2019 I graduated as a mental health assistant at the Károli Gáspár Reformed University, and after graduation I joined the Tini rehab team full time. In my work, I attach great importance to sensitising young people to the conscious use of media, to reviewing the personality they have built up on social media and to really understanding their own abilities and limitations.

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