

My name is Mihály Németh, 39 years old, I work as an experience specialist in a drug treatment home. After many years of substance abuse, I came to Ráckeresztúr in 2013 and have been living a sober life ever since.
After 15 months of therapy I started my life again in Budapest. I worked, started my studies again, graduated from high school, and now I am studying at the Baptist Theological Academy in the field of social pastoral care.
From 2015-2019, I volunteered with Teen Challenge, an organization that worked with disadvantaged youth who were wandering the streets. It was through volunteering that I met my wife and we have since had a baby boy.
I have been working as a mentor at the therapeutic home since April 2019. It gives me great joy and satisfaction and I really enjoy giving back some of the good that I have received during my therapy.
Besides family, work and studying, I do a lot of sports and run regularly. In my free time I like to go hiking and nature walks.
I am trying to build my life to be the responsible, reliable, open and honest adult that I should have been as a child.

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