
Dr.Judit Péter Krivácsyné

I graduated in 1982 in the physics class of the Türr István High School in Pápai.

From 1982 to 1988 I was a student at the SOTE ÁOK, and in 1988 I received my medical degree.

From 1988 to 2002 I worked in the paediatric ward of Veszprém, in the premature intensive care unit, as a junior doctor and then as a senior assistant.

From 2002 to 2005 I was head of the health protection department at the Veszprém County Health and Social Welfare Centre, while I spent 8 months abroad in a general practice using alternative methods.


Since then, I have worked mainly as a child psychiatrist - as a head of department in a child psychiatric clinic, as a child psychiatrist in a children's ward, in adult psychiatric care with young people and families.

I regularly give lectures to parents and teachers on child education and child and adolescent psychiatry.

Since January 2019, I have also been working as a child and youth psychiatrist in the teenage psychiatry department at the MRE KIMM home in Ráckeresztur.


My professional qualifications:

Infant and paediatrics 1993

neonatology 1998

public administration 2003

child and adolescent psychiatry 2008.

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