

Professional curriculum vitae


Personal data:

Eszter Erdős
Eszter Eszter Eszter Eszter was born on 3 July 1959 in Budapest.


Tel: mh: 06-25-522-100, mobile: 06-30-683-2792

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




1984 - Budapest Reformed Theological Academy, Pastoral Diploma.

2000 - Semmelweis University, postgraduate training in Addiction and Narcology.

2003 - Psychiatric and Addiction Specialist Social Specialist Examination

2005 - Károli Gáspár Reformed University, postgraduate specialisation in supervision

2008 - Semmelweis University postgraduate specialisation in pastoral care

2011 - Károli Gáspár Reformed University Supervisor-Coach postgraduate training

1985 - Carl Rogers Training

1994 - 1997 "International European drug abuse treatment training project"

2001 - Portage Cerztificate of Training

2006 - Family Therapy Theory and Practice

2007 - Theory and Practice of Pastoral Relationship

2008 - Group work, group therapy

2008 - Theory and Practice of Facilitative Conversation

2008 - Training for adult education programme implementers

2009 - Family therapy theory and practice

2010 - Diploma as mediator

2010 - Psychodrama assistant

2017 - Theory and practice of experiential therapy

2019 - Williams Life Skills Stress management, effective communication


Since I started my job I have participated in numerous conferences, trainings, continuing education courses both as a participant and as a speaker.


I have worked in:

In 1977, I worked as a child care worker at the Hűvösvölgy Foster Home for one year.

From 1984 to 1987 I served as a substitute pastor in the Reformed parish of Fasor in Budapest Városligeti. During this time I also served as the ecumenical secretary of the Mission for the Rescue of Fallen Youth. In February 1987, the Reformed Church established a Drug Therapy Home in Ráckeresztúr during my ministry.

From 1987-1989 I was a substitute pastor in the Reformed parish of Hidas, during which time I established the Zsibriki Drug Therapy Home for young addicts.

From 1989-1998 until December 31, I was the director of the Zsibriki Drug Treatment Home in the framework of the Mission of the Hungarian Reformed Church for the Rescue of the Fallen Youth.

1999 From 1 January 1999 I am again the head of the Drug Therapy Home in Ráckeresztúr of the Reformed Church of Hungary, and I am also in charge of the Drug Prevention Service, the Alcohol and Drug-Free Café, the Further Training and Family Counselling Centre in Ráckeresztúr.


International experience:


In 1984, I was on a 10-day study trip to the then GDR, where I visited church addiction treatment facilities.

In 1985, a 2-week study trip to Switzerland gave me the opportunity to see the whole range of drug addiction work there, from street work to the therapeutic community.

In 1988, as a member of a 1-week state delegation to Verona, we were able to learn about addiction care.

In 1989, in the Netherlands, we visited therapeutic communities and drug treatment centres.

In 1990, a one-day visit to an Austrian Therapeutic Community.

In 1999, a one-day visit to 2 therapeutic communities in southern Switzerland.

In 2000, a 1-week study trip to learn about the drug treatment systems in Germany and the Netherlands.

In 2002, I spent 5 weeks as a guest of the Portage Therapeutic Community in Canada, participating in the therapeutic process and in the facilities of the Outpatient, Day Hospital, Therapeutic Community, Dual Diagnosis Therapeutic Community, Juvenile Therapeutic Community, Open Jail Therapeutic Community and Therapeutic Community in Jail.

In 2007, I participated in a professional visit to Norway's most successful Drug Treatment Home in Osterbo and we signed a cooperation agreement.

In 2009 I spent 3 months in London as a volunteer in the City Mission.



Faith and Therapy. Professional and theological aspects in the treatment of drug addicts (Confession 2002 - study)
Drug prevention in schools (Forum Martini 2003 - article)
Prevention of Drug Abuse (Reformed Journal 2003 - article)
Perspective specificities of church drug treatment homes (Youth-disease 2004 - study)
Presentation of the Ráckeresztúr drug treatment home (Reformed Methodist Newsletter 2004)
Treatment of drug patients in the Ráckeresztúr Drug Treatment Home (Medical Weekly 2006 - article)
Ráckeresztúr Drug Therapy Home of the Hungarian Reformed Church Mission for the Rescue of Young People with a Slump (Mental Hygiene and Psychosomatics - Volume 7, 2006)
The Ráckeresztúr Drug Therapy Home (in: Drops in the Sea - Budapest 2006.)
"I am the guardian of my brother" (Reformed Journal 2006 - article)
(Don't) swing away! (Small Mirror 2007 - article)
Six tips for parents of young people on drugs (Small Mirror 2007 - article)
Diakonia again (Szeretetszolgálat 3/2007. - article)
How to become an addict (Small Mirror 2007 - article)
How are drug addicts treated in Rakvere (Small Mirror 2007 - article)
Who is most at risk from drug use (Small Mirror 2008 - article)
Options for holistic care of addicts (Charity Service 2008 - article)
Ethical dilemmas in supervision (Supervision 2008 - article)
What does the leader look for in team supervision (Supervision 2008 - article)
No one is here by chance (Blessing Peace 2009 - article)
Pastoral ministry (Reformed Journal 2012 - article)
The Helping Self-Helper (in: Nets in Helping - University of Cluj-Napocaust University Press 2014)
Unconventional methods in a drug treatment home (in: Nets in helping - University of Cluj-Napoca, 2014)



Basic B1 English exam

B1 B1 B1 B1


B B1 B1 B1 Diploma in Addictology

National Social Policy Expert

KGRE Social Worker - Instructor

Semmelweis University, Master of Social Sciences and Mental Health - instructor

Association of Hungarian Drug Treatment Institutes, founding member, vice-president (since 1999)

Gandhi Public Foundation, Member of the Board of Trustees (since its establishment)

Member of MSZCT (Hungarian Society of Supervisors and Supervisor-Coaches)

Dependent Questions - volunteer presenter 2009-2011

World View through Women's Eyes - presenter 2012-2014

Knight Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary 2001.

Award for Families 2003.

Medal of the President of the Republic of Hungary 2005.

Pannon Role Model Award 2007.

Promenade Award 2008.

Tamás Dizseri Award 2009.

Ministerial Commendation 2010.

Mentor Oscar Award 2018 (not given to me personally, but to the institution I run - MRE KIMM Drug Treatment Home)

Pro Voluntarius Award 2018 (not personally awarded to me, but to the institution I run - MRE KIMM Drug Treatment Home)

Good Service Award 2019 (not personally awarded to me, but to the institution I run - MRE KIMM Drug Treatment Home)

WMN Award 2019.

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