
I am Mátyás Nerada, a rehabilitation worker at Mre Kimm. I live in Budapest with my wife and two teenage sons.

For almost three decades I have been working in the field of outpatient and residential treatment of addicted and drug-dependent young people, diversion, individual case management, counselling for parents and relatives, drug prevention in schools and aftercare.

My view of addiction and dependence is that in the vast majority of cases it is a disease of families, of human relationships, a socially learned form of behaviour, an attempt at self-medication by the wrong means. 

These breakdowns are rooted in early childhood and take effect in young adulthood. 

These blockages can be found in your situation, understood, faded, overridden and if you work on yourself, if you want to change, you can build a love-free life in which you can achieve what you want or deserve.  

However, over the past decades, I have spoken to countless young people and loved ones who, in hindsight, after many, many years of suffering, feel how much could have been different and how much would have been worthwhile if they had chosen the most effective options in time. But then in time, they didn't! Today, they see and know that the real damage is done by unused opportunities.

That is why my suggestion is that you should not wait for the real low point either, but seek help as soon as possible, because the sooner you start on the road to recovery, the better off you will be.

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