
I was born on 11 March 1988 in Szolnok, into a family with a heavy alcoholism problem. As a result of my father's alcoholism, our family fell apart, everything my parents had built was destroyed.
I was twelve years old when my father went to Dömös, to the Hungarian Blue Cross Association, for a week of treatment as a last resort. From then on our lives changed radically. I am one of the lucky people who have experienced not only the dark side of addiction, but also that there is a way out and a new beginning.
My parents liquidated the remnants of their businesses and started an association: they began working with young people affected by addiction out of service and gratitude. That's what I got into when I was fourteen. I had thirty brothers and sisters...
At the age of eighteen I moved to Budapest. I worked as a musician, and then came my own calvary - my father could not convert for me. During my years as a musician, the void in my soul grew, which led to depression and, as a solution, to online gaming addiction. I burned all my relationships, I was locked up in an apartment in the 8th district for 3,5 years with myself and my neglected body and soul. I realized it could be worse, it wasn't just a dream (I gained 45 kilos).
All I knew was that I couldn't do it alone, and I started to walk and accept the outstretched hands. One such hand was the drug mission, helping me build, thank you.

Today I live in a family house in Érd, with my wife and 3 children.

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