


How does therapy take place at the Ráckeresztúr Drug Treatment Home?


Eszter Erdős, the head of the Drug Therapy Home of the Hungarian Reformed Church's Mission for the Rescue of Young People with a Falling Down tells our Institute about the process and approach of rehabilitation. The interview was conducted in cooperation between the Drug Research Institute and MRE KIMM.





A drog rabságából egy új élet felé három történet arról hogyan szabadultak meg a függőségtől


Norbert, Ádám Péter és András megjárta a poklok poklát lelkileg és fizikailag is.

Mindhárman a kábítószer rabságában éltek. Csak azért lehetnek most életben, mert így döntöttek.

Az utolsó utáni pillanatban.

A drogok teljesen átvették az irányítást az életük felett, még túlélni is alig volt esélyük.

Most pedig már másoknak segítenek.






Dénes Dudits - How can you help a loved one suffering from addiction?




Online Support Group Dependants‼️

Closed group for addicts in need of support


The group is open to anyone who is affected in any way by any addiction, but it is particularly useful for people who are facing increased challenges with their substance use.

We know well that if you isolate yourself from your fellow human beings, you can easily become prone to anxiety and lose the opportunity to tap into the resources of human relationships.

It's especially important to connect and stay in touch with people who are in our shoes, as well as those we know and love.

If we as substance users, addicts, addicts or even recovering addicts have the opportunity to share our thoughts with each other, we can benefit from each other.

Join as soon as possible to see what Dudits Dénes and his colleagues and the group members post in the group, and feel free to share your thoughts or ask them questions yourself!


❤️ With Love: ❤️

Dénes Dudits and Partners


Use Optima Online and start using the knowledge and tools there:



Optima Blog:









Join our FREE closed Facebook group!




Online Support Group for Dependants!

Closed group for addicts in need of support


The group is open to anyone who is affected in any way by any addiction, but it is particularly useful for people who are facing increased challenges with their substance use.

We know well that if you isolate yourself from your fellow human beings, you can easily become prone to anxiety and lose the opportunity to tap into the resources of human relationships.

It's especially important to connect and stay in touch with people who are in our shoes, as well as those we know and love.

If we as substance users, addicts, addicts or even recovering addicts have the opportunity to share our thoughts with each other, we can benefit from each other.

Join as soon as possible to see what Dénes Dudits and his colleagues and the group members post in the group, and feel free to share your thoughts or ask them questions yourself!


❤️ With Love: ❤️

Dénes Dudits and Partners


Use Optima Online and start using the knowledge and tools there:



Optima Blog:








Lacka do Heroin (Budapest - Final destination) Documentary (Babylon)


Homeless heroin addicts in Pest (by: babilon)

Iratkozz fel a hírlevelünkre új tartalmakért és frissült információkért



