Address: 8440 Herend, Vadvirág u. 45.
Phone +36 30 488 6819, +36 30 477 8799
Nature of the problem addressed
Help for people with alcohol and other addictions and their families
Nature and focus of the treatment programme
Patient-centered, recovery-focused, spiritual resource mobilization, involving family members (Minnesota, using the PRIMUS model experience)
Number and gender distribution of beds
4-10 people, coed (separate, high quality, 2-person apartments per gender)
Staff composition by profession/function/activity/role etc.
The whole staff is made up of (alc., drug, co-dependent): addiction counsellors, educator, lawyer, family therapist, social worker, religious teacher
External support staff: psychiatrist, addictologist; specialist in internal medicine, specialist clinical psychologist, supervisor
Length of the therapeutic programme
Recovery programme - 28 days, family sensitisation weekend - 3 days
Conditions for admission to therapy
Pre-therapy assessment, regular medical status, previously prescribed medication may be used but the programme is drug-free
Exclusionary reasons
Lack of motivation, medical incapacity
Reimbursement fee
700.000 HUF/person/28 days
180.000 Ft/2 persons/3 days