
Professional curriculum vitae


Name at birth: Salamon Sarolta


1982 - 1986 Eötvös József High School Budapest

1986 - 1991; 1993 University of Debrecen Kossuth Lajos University of Sciences - Psychology Degree

1991 - English intermediate exam

2003 - 2004 Gyöngyös Municipal Educational Counsellor - Psychological Assistant

2004 - 2015 Roman Catholic Parish of Tordas - senior cantor

2010 Harmat Artúr Cantor Training School I. year

2011- 2012 Tordasi Roman Catholic Parish Council - acting lay president

2011 - 2014 Martonvásár Blue Cross Alcoholics Support Group - volunteer, song leader

2013 - 2016 Naviscon Zrt. Budapest "Roham" Event Boat - gastronomy officer, event organiser

2014 - 2018 Sapientia Monastic and Theological College, Catechetical Seminary - Pastoral Associate - evening course - BA (Thesis: Blessed are those who do not judge - the radical prohibition of judgement in the works of St. Francis)

2015 - Home for the Mentally Disabled and Psychiatric Patients in Tordas - volunteer faith teacher

2016 - 2018 Budapest Irgalmasrendi Hospital - volunteer missionary

2017 July 22-23 Nonviolent Communication Training

Summer 2017, Venasque (France) - Carmelite Spirituality, Contemplation, Inner Prayer, Faith Formation Method Training

2017 - 2018 Érdi Teacher Training Centre - tutoring, catching up, faith education of Roma children - volunteer

2018 - 2019 Diocese of Székesfehérvár - faith teacher of the parish of Ercsi: Kossuth Lajos School, Eötvös József Primary School, Beloiannis Primary School, Tordas and Gyúró Kindergarten, Érd Missionaries of Charity - volunteer faith teaching of autistic children.

2019/2021 - SOTE Mental Health Pastoral Care Specialist Training

2020 WÉK facilitator training

2021 July 2021 Emotional Focusing Therapy basic training

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