
Do you mind drinking with the other person?


Millions of people live under the influence of their loved one's binge drinking. The following questions are designed to help you decide whether you could benefit from Al-Anon.


1. Are you worried about how much the other person is drinking?

2. Are you having financial problems because of your relative's drinking?

3. Are you making up lies to cover up the other person's drinking?

4. Do you feel that if the drinker loved you, they would stop drinking to please you?

5. Do you think the problem drinker's behaviour is caused by his/her circle of friends?

6. Do you often procrastinate your drinking plans? Does it cause you to miss out on social activities or postpone meals?

7. Do you often threaten the drinker with "if you don't stop drinking, I'll leave"?

8. Do you sneak a sniff of your relative's breath?

9. are you afraid of upsetting the other person and driving them to the glass again?

10. Have you ever been hurt or embarrassed by the drinker's behaviour?

11. have you ruined a holiday, family or friends' gathering because of drinking?

12. have you ever thought of going to the police for fear of violence?

13. Have you searched for hidden alcohol?

14. Have you ever been in a car driven by a drunk person?

15. have you ever refused a social invitation because of your concern or fear of drinking?

16. have you ever felt like a failure because you could not control another person's drinking?

17. Do you think that if you stopped drinking, all your problems would be solved?

18. Have you ever threatened to hurt yourself by scaring him?

19. Do you often feel angry, confused or moody?

20. have you ever felt that there is no one who understands your problem?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, Al-Anon Family Groups or Alateen can help you!


Has another person's drinking affected your life?


Alateen is for you!


Alateen is for young people whose lives have been affected by another person's drinking. Maybe the active drinking has stopped or the active drinker is no longer with us, but even if alcohol is no longer a part of our lives because the alcoholic has left or is seeking recovery in A.A., we are still living with the effects of alcoholism. Many of us have received help in Alateen and Al-Anon. The following twenty questions can help you decide if Alateen is for you.


1. Do you think no one can understand your feelings?

2. Do you hide your true feelings by pretending you don't care?

3. do you feel like no one listens to you, cares about you, loves you?

4. Do you make up lies to hide the other person's drinking or to hide what's going on at home?

5. do you leave home whenever you can because you hate what goes on at home?

6. Are you afraid or embarrassed to take your friends home?

7. Do you get angry at the other person for drinking?

8. do your meals, birthdays and holidays together get spoiled by drinking or the reaction of outsiders?

9. are you afraid that if you speak up, the drinking and arguing will start again?

10. Do you think it's because of you or other family members or friends? Is it because you did something wrong?

11. Do you ever threaten, "If you don't stop drinking and fighting, I'm leaving"?

12. Do you make promises like "I'll bring home better grades" or "I'll clean my room" or "I'll do whatever you want" in the hope that the drinking and fighting will stop?

13. Do you feel that if he loved you, he would stop drinking?

14. have you ever threatened or harmed yourself to scare him, waiting for him to say "I love you" or "I'm sorry"?

15. Are you or your family having financial problems because of drinking?

16. Are you afraid to get in the car with the drinker?

17. have you ever thought about calling the police because of the violent behaviour?

18. do you avoid dating or close friendships lest you witness drinking and fighting?

19. Do you think all your problems would be solved if the drinking stopped?

If you answer yes to any of these questions, Alateen can help you. Contact Al-Anon or Alateen!



Did you grow up in a problem drinking environment?


Al-Anon is for you!


Al-Anon is a group of family members and friends of people who suffer from alcoholism. If a family member, friend, co-worker or neighbour close to you has a drinking problem, the following questions can help you decide if Al-Anon is for you.

1. Are you constantly seeking validation and approval from others?

2. Are you dissatisfied with your performance?

3. Are you afraid of criticism?

4. Are you over-confident?

5. Have you ever felt out of control, compulsive?

6. do you expect yourself to be perfect?

7. Do you feel uncomfortable when your life is going well? Do you want to prepare for potential problems in advance?

8. Do you feel more alive in difficult situations?

9. Do you still feel responsible for others, just as you did for the problem drinker?

10. While you can easily take care of others, do you find it difficult to take care of yourself?

11. Do you shut yourself off from people?

12. do you react with fear to people in positions of power and anger?

13. do you feel exploited by those around you and by society?

14 Do you have difficulties in forming intimate relationships?

15. do you mix pity with love, as you did with the problem drinker?

16. Do you attract and/or seek the company of people who are prone to addictive/abusive behaviour or abuse?

17. do you cling to your relationships because you fear loneliness?

18. do you often distrust your own feelings but doubt the honesty of others?

19. Do you have difficulty understanding or expressing your feelings?

20. Do you think drinking has left a mark on your life?

Alcoholism runs in the family. As children, many of us lived with it and sometimes we have problems that the Al-Anon programme can help to solve. If your answer to any of these questions is yes, Al-Anon can benefit you.

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