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Basic Literatures N.A. hun

    A függők által, függők számára és függőkről írt könyv, amely az Anonim Narkotikumok spirituális alapelveit tartalmazza, amelyeket függők százezrei használtak a felépülés során. Az alkoholizmushoz hasonlóan a kábítószer-függőségre sincs "gyógymód", de a felépülés lehetséges az Anonim Alkoholisták Tizenkét Lépéséből és Tizenkét Hagyományából adaptált program segítségével. Az Anonim Narkotikusok teljes tankönyvnek szánva minden felépülni vágyó függő számára leírja az NA-programot és annak működését. Tartalmazza az NA Tizenkét Lépését és Tizenkét Hagyományát, valamint számos...

Literature & Video Content

Basic Literatures A.A. eng

       Tartalom:   Útba igazít minket, miközben megtanuljuk, hogyan tágítsuk ki...

Basic Literatures A.A. eng

        Tartalom:   Ez a gyakorlatias könyvecske egyszerű példákon keresztül mutatja be,...

Basic Literatures A.A. eng

      Tartalom:   Ez az első személytől származó beszámolókkal és elsődleges...

Basic Literatures A.A. eng

      Tartalom:   A nagy sikerű könyv második kiadása azt a nézetet képviseli, hogy a család...

Basic Literatures A.A. hun

    Az 1977. áprilisi Általános Szolgálati Konferencia jóváhagyása után kezdődött meg ennek...

Basic Literatures A.A. eng

        Tartalom:   Az A.A. közös tapasztalatait használja fel 34 olyan kérdés...

Basic Literatures A.A. eng

       Tartalom:   Mint sok alkoholista és függő, John R. is kapott egy Nagy Könyvet,...

Basic Literatures A.A. hun

     Az alkoholizmusból felépült sok ezer férfi és nő története MÁSODIK, ÁTDOLGOZOTT...


The 12 steps and 12 traditions of Narcotics Anonymous


If you want what we have to offer, and you are willing to make the effort to get it, then you are ready to take certain steps. These are the principles that have made our recovery possible.


The 12 Steps of NA
1 We have admitted that we were powerless over our addiction and our lives were out of control.
2. We came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore our sanity.
3. we have decided to leave our will and our lives in the care of God according to our own understanding.
4. we have taken a thorough and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
5. We have admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another man the exact nature of our faults.
6. We were fully prepared for God to remove all these character defects.
7. We humbly asked Him to remove our faults.
8. we made a list of all those we had wronged and became willing to make restitution to each of them.
9. we made direct reparations to these people where we could, except where it would have hurt them or others.
10. We continued to take personal inventory, and when we made mistakes, we admitted it immediately.
11. through prayer and meditation, we sought to develop a conscious relationship with God according to our own understanding, praying only that we might recognize His will for us and have the strength to carry it out.
The NA 12 Tradition
We can only keep what we have if we take care of it, and just as the freedom of the individual comes from the Twelve Steps, so the freedom of the group comes from our Traditions.
As long as the bonds that hold us together are stronger than those that separate us, all will be well.
1. our common welfare must come first; individual recovery depends on NA unity.
2. for the purpose of our group, there is one ultimate authority - a loving God who expresses Himself in the conscience of our group. Our leaders are only trusted servants; not rulers.
3. There is only one condition of membership; the desire to stop using.
4. each group should be autonomous except in matters that affect other groups or NA as a whole.
5. Each group has one primary purpose, to carry the message to the addict still suffering.
An NA group should never endorse or fund any affiliated institution or outside business, nor should it cede the NA name for use by them, because money, property and prestige problems will divert us from our primary purpose.
7. All NA groups should be completely self-sufficient, rejecting outside contributions.
8. Narcotics Anonymous should always remain non-professional, although our service centers may employ special workers.
9. NA as such should never be organized, but we may form service boards or committees that are directly responsible to those they serve.
10. Narcotics Anonymous has no opinion on matters outside of itself; therefore, the NA name should never be drawn into public debate.
11. Our contact with the public is based on attraction rather than propaganda. We must always maintain our personal anonymity in the press, on the radio, and in films.
12. anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, always reminding us to put principles before personalities.

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