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Basic Literatures N.A. eng

      Tartalom:   Az NA It Works How and Why az Anonim Narkósok által használt felépülési elveket értelmezi. Huszonnégy fejezet nyújt betekintést minden egyes lépésbe és hagyományba.   Content:   NA It Works How and Why interprets the principles of recovery used by Narcotics Anonymous. Twenty-four chapters offer insight on each Step and Tradition.     Olvasás:    Új EPUB verzió:     Régi PDF verzió: {loadmoduleid 236}        

Basic Literatures A.A. hun

Józan Élet     „Maradj józan!” - tanácsolták nekünk, és mi sértve éreztük magunkat, amikor...

Basic Literatures A.A. eng

    Tartalom:   Az alkoholizmusból felépült sok ezer férfi és nő története MÁSODIK,...

Basic Literatures A.A. eng

        Tartalom:   Az A.A. közös tapasztalatait használja fel 34 olyan kérdés...

Al Anon Literatures

        Tartalom:   Minden Al-Anon tagot arra bátorítunk, hogy aktívan használja és...

Basic Literatures N.A. hun

    Ez a kiadvány a Narcotics Anonymous Just for Today, Daily Meditations for Recovering...

Basic Literatures A.A. eng

       Tartalom:   Az Anonim Alkoholisták társalapítója, Bill W. az AA Grapevine...

Basic Literatures A.A. eng

     Tartalom:    A Tizenkét lépés és tizenkét hagyomány az Anonim Alkoholisták 24...

Basic Literatures A.A. eng

      Tartalom:   A Józannak Maradni Munkafüzet: Gyakorlati Kézikönyv – Komoly megoldás a...


Philanthropic Foundation - Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Institute

Outpatient care

Early identification and treatment, specialist care, nursing, treatment of behavioural addictions, affective disorders, individual and group psychotherapy

Preparation for admission to the Foundation's Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Institute

Continued outpatient support, follow-up and care of patients discharged after rehabilitation


Drug prevention

Health education group

School programmes

Youth, peer support

Risk identification activities

Awareness-raising among youth workers and residents

Concerts, peer support




Prevention and awareness-raising (diversion)

Diversion - preventive education services are preventive interventions for occasional drug users offered by the competent authorities (police, courts, prosecutors) as an alternative to criminal proceedings. It aims at preventing regular use, stopping further progression towards addiction or other behavioural disorders, reducing/ minimising the duration and frequency of risky and hazardous drug use, developing healthy lifestyles and various life skills.

Low-threshold services (anonymous)

Psychosocial interventions:

Consultation, counselling
Reduction of health-related harms, assistance in accessing care and health services
Club-like service (Support and Relatives Group)

Information and education services - in person or by telephone

Outreach work

ContactAddiction Care
1101 Budapest, Gyöngyike u. 4.
(+36 1) 261-8457
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Contact: (11.11)

Monday: 9-12 hours
Tuesday: 9-12, 16-18 hours
Wednesday: 8-13, 15-18
Thursday: 8 am to 2 pm

Telephone appointment required!

The Institute offers the possibility of complex rehabilitation for addicts in recovery. The rehabilitation is carried out within the framework of the therapeutic community model.

Admission criteria

Volunteering, motivation, aptitude, detoxification.


To restore the ability to lead an independent life and to facilitate reintegration into society.

Our services

Full residential care in 2-3-4 bedded rooms

Specialised addiction care

Individual care

Regular small and large group sessions (self-awareness and communication groups, literature and film therapy, relapse prevention therapy, spiritual therapy, creative therapy)

Occupational rehabilitation

Vocational rehabilitation

Social administration

Leisure and community programmes



Telephone (+36 1) 431-9792

Admission criteria

Able to be at least partially self-sufficient, have sufficient income to meet the costs of a new way of life, placement is justified to establish independent living and develop skills.


1 or 4+1 years of care based on the principles of therapeutic community.



To help and support addicts to develop the conditions for independent living and healthy lifestyles

To prevent relapse

To promote the social and family reintegration and the complete reintegration of the persons concerned


The full range of services provided by the temporary care home and the following services may be requested by the person receiving care from the home:


Provision of meals

Provision of clothing and textiles if necessary

Medical and mental health care and access to care

Assistance with money management

Provision of assistance with medical care and social assistance


Admission criteria

At least partially self-sufficient, with sufficient income to cover the costs of the new living arrangements, placement is justified to enable independent living and to develop skills.



1 or 4+1 years of care based on the principles of therapeutic community.



To help and support addicts to develop the conditions for independent living and healthy lifestyles

To prevent relapse

To promote the social and family reintegration and the complete reintegration of the persons concerned


The full range of services provided by the temporary care home and the following services may be requested by the person receiving care from the home:

Provision of meals

Provision of clothing and textiles if necessary

Medical and mental health care and access to care

Assistance with money management

Provision of assistance with medical care and social assistance


Training institution

Registration number: E-2020/000373
Title of training programme: Bakery and Fast Bakery Worker (pre-vocational training for a sub-profession)
Training duration: 320 hours
Training No: 1;
Start of training: 3 September 2022.

Estimated end of training: 30 June 2023

Training location: 1105 Budapest, Cserkesz u. 7-9.

The Foundation provides the above extracurricular training for its clients as part of the educational rehabilitation.



Our Foundation has set up "sheltered" workplaces (baking and carpentry workshops) for people who have fallen out of or not yet entered the world of work.


The aim is to acquire physical and mental fitness, to be able to work 6-8 hours a day, to stop and reverse the process of decline due to addiction.

occupational therapy

developmental employment in a developmental relationship under the Social Act

development employment in an employment relationship under the Labour Code

other "protected" employment




During the employment, the client learns to work continuously, to integrate into the work community and to be able to produce quality and quantity for profit. Stabilisation of social, health and psychological conditions, mental health care supports development.




the Philanthropic Foundation
Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Institute.

We accept addicted underage boys and girls from the age of 10 and adult men and women.

If you want to know more about admission,
read our information leaflet and call our mobile number: +36 30 3-809-028

To view the detailed information, click here: Information on patient admission

The management of the institution



We are looking for teenage boys, girls, adult men and women who are motivated to recover and who volunteer to be addicted, such as

alcohol abusers

drug addicts

gambling addicts

Internet addicts

drug addicts



are admitted at the discretion of the psychiatric addiction specialist and the head of the institute.


All patients who apply for admission must bring their own:

Chest X-ray, routine blood test, Hepatitis A, B, C and HIV test results, and final hospital discharge reports.


Admission appointment

Thursday of each week


Admission location

Foundation Philanthropy
1105 Budapest, Cserkesz u. 11. (Cserkesz street - Román street corner)

You can get there by tram No. 3, 28 or 62 (Liget Square stop). Also by buses 9 and 95.


You can reach us at:

Phone (+36 1) 431-9792; +36 30 3809028
Fax: (+36 1) 431-9796

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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