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Basic Literatures N.A. eng

       Tartalom:    Az NA It Works How and Why az Anonim Narkósok által használt felépülési elveket értelmezi. Huszonnégy fejezet nyújt betekintést minden egyes lépésbe és hagyományba.    Content:    NA It Works How and Why interprets the principles of recovery used by Narcotics Anonymous. Twenty-four chapters offer insight on each Step and Tradition.     Olvasás:    PDF verzió: {loadmoduleid 230}        

Basic Literatures A.A. eng

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Basic Literatures A.A. eng

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Basic Literatures A.A. eng

      Tartalom:   Útmutató a visszaesés megelőzéséhez Terence T. Gorski (Szerző), Merlene...

Basic Literatures A.A. hun

    12 Lépés:   1. Közös boldogulásunk álljon az első helyen, személyes felépülésünk az...

Basic Literatures A.A. eng

       Tartalom:   Útba igazít minket, miközben megtanuljuk, hogyan tágítsuk ki...

Basic Literatures A.A. hun

     Bill így látja több száz idézetet tartalmaz irodalmunkból, melyek az A.A. életstílusának...

Basic Literatures N.A. hun

    A függők által, függők számára és függőkről írt könyv, amely az Anonim Narkotikumok...

Basic Literatures A.A. hun

    Az 1977. áprilisi Általános Szolgálati Konferencia jóváhagyása után kezdődött meg ennek...



NA is a non-profit community of men and women for whom drugs have become a significant problem. Narcotics Anonymous is a program of total abstinence from all drugs, we are recovering addicts, helping each other stay clean. NA is open to anyone who feels they need it. Our community is non-professional, self-sufficient, does not discriminate on the basis of religion, race or political affiliation, and can be found almost everywhere in the world. There is no age limit or education qualification for membership.



1. NA members share their experiences with anyone who asks for help to solve a drug problem. NA provides personal assistance, called sponsorship, to addicts who come to NA from anywhere.
2. Our twelve-step programme shows the addict a way to live a fulfilling life without drugs.
3. This programme is discussed at NA group meetings.
4. Open meetings are open to both drug addicts and interested people. Attending open meetings is the best way to find out what NA is, does and does not do. At these meetings, one or more members tell their own story, their experiences with addiction, how they came to NA and how their lives have changed since then.
5. In open group meetings, one member speaks briefly about their experiences of use and sobering up, followed by a discussion where each contributor talks about their own experiences. Closed meetings are open to NA members and anyone with a drug problem.
6. NA members also hold meetings in medical and correctional institutions.
7. NA members (groups) may be invited to hold information meetings at various events, organisations and institutions.



The NA
- Does not initiate treatment for addicts
- Does not recruit members
- Does not initiate or support research
- Does not keep an attendance record or medical history
- Not joining the councils of social institutions
- Does not follow or influence its members
- Does not make a medical or psychological diagnosis or prognosis
- Does not provide withdrawal or nursing services, hospital care or any medical or psychiatric treatment
- Does not provide religious services
- Does not provide housing, food, clothing, employment, money or other social benefits
- Does not provide household or professional advice
- Does not accept money for services or other benefits from non-NA sources
- It does not give letters of recommendation to courts, lawyers, social organisations, employers, etc.



NA's primary goal is to deliver the message of recovery to addicts seeking help. Whatever the path we follow, we share a common goal: the recovery and reintegration of drug addicts into society. Together we can do what we cannot do alone.
We offer personal experience and can provide ongoing support for recovering addicts.


INFORMATION - About Narcotics Anonymous

This information is aimed both at those who have a problem and those who are in contact with people who have, or are suspected of having, a problem with drugs. This brochure tells you what to expect from Narcotics Anonymous (NA). Describe what NA does and does not do.



We welcome your enquiries about Narcotics Anonimous using the following contact details:
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Telephone: +36308669262; +36303154388; +36305733801

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