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Basic Literatures N.A. eng

    “Each time we surrender, we find once more that the desperation that drives us to our knees fuels the passion that carries us forward. When hope manifests into reality, our lives change. Our experience affirms what we believe, and belief grows into faith. When our faith grows into knowledge, the program that we once struggled to practice has become part of who we are. We find here what we were looking for all along: connection to others, connection to a Higher Power, connection to the world around us—and, most surprising of all, connection to ourselves.”    

Basic Literatures A.A. hun

        A Napi Elmélkedések az elmélkedések könyve, melyet A.A. tagok írtak A.A....

Basic Literatures A.A. hun

     Öt évi komoly munka van e könyv mögött, miután egy A.A.-tag rámutatott szükségességére. A...

Basic Literatures A.A. hun

    Gondolkozz egyszerűen - Napi Meditációk a Tizenkét Lépésről:   A mindennapi...

Basic Literatures A.A. eng

     Tartalom:    A Tizenkét lépés és tizenkét hagyomány az Anonim Alkoholisták 24...

Basic Literatures N.A. eng

    “Each time we surrender, we find once more that the desperation that drives us to our...

Basic Literatures A.A. hun

     Bill így látja több száz idézetet tartalmaz irodalmunkból, melyek az A.A. életstílusának...

Basic Literatures A.A. eng

      Tartalom:   A nagy sikerű könyv második kiadása azt a nézetet képviseli, hogy a család...

Basic Literatures A.A. eng

       Tartalom:   Útba igazít minket, miközben megtanuljuk, hogyan tágítsuk ki...


Here you will find a list in alphabetical order of the institutions that will be able to help you treat your addiction:
Halfway Foundation Halfway Centre

Alcohol, Companion



Ferencváros Directorate of Social and Child Welfare Institutions
Day Care Centre for Addiction Patients - Iris Club

Alcohol, Drugs, Sex and Love, Internet, Companionship


Rehabilitation Home, Drug, Alcohol, Sex, Drug Addiction and Alcoholism

Therapy Programmes: Alcohol, Gambling, Drug, Sex and Love, Companionship



Stop Group Foundation for Addiction Patients

Therapy programmes: Alcohol, Drug, Gambling, Medicine, Internet, Companionship



MMSz Inclusive Psychosocial Service

Therapy programmes: Alcohol, Drug, Gambling, Companionship


Hope Children's Aid and Rehabilitation Foundation,
Hope Hope and Hope Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation Centre

Treatment programmes: Alcohol, Gambling, Companionship


VÁLTOZÓHÁZ Rehabilitation Home

Therapy programmes: Alcohol, Drugs, Gambling, Medication, Sex and love, Internet, Role playing, Companionship, Eating disorders

Location: Pécsvárad


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