If you are looking for literature
If you're just starting your step work and need a sample step
If you want information about an institution - addiction - group - or professionals
If you want an app on your phone to help you with your addiction
If you want to read relevant articles
If you like to chat and want to meet sober members
If you want to share your story in the forum or blog section
Browse, get to know us, and have your say!
"Just for Today"
We can help by harnessing your desire to stop your addiction and/or self-destructive lifestyle. Based on this, we will introduce you to recovery programmes that will help you not only stop destroying yourself and your environment with your addiction, but also make your life a lot better. This page will show you how and help you get started.
Good luck on your journey!
Ha szeretnéd a weboldalad, csoportod, vagy a szolgáltatásod az oldalon látni, küldj nekünk emailt a kapcsolat menüből!
The website is still under development, some anomalies may occur.
csakamainap.info is a collection of links.
The site aims to provide information on various addictions:
- Therapeutic institutions
- Professionals
- Sites
- Articles
- Groups
- 12 step programmes
- Spiritual communities
And making information on other platforms easily accessible to those seeking help.
Most of the articles on this site have been brought to us from other sites.
We try to credit the source but this is not always possible.
The primary purpose of the site is to convey a message to our fellow sufferers and seekers, for us this is the main principle and goal.
We are not worried about publishers and have nothing to do with copyright.
If these are important to you then buy our literature, books, or videos.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via the contact menu

If you are looking for literature
If you're just starting your step work and need a sample step
If you want information about an institution - addiction - group - or professionals
If you want an app on your phone to help you with your addiction
If you want to read relevant articles
If you like to chat and want to meet sober members
If you want to share your story in the forum or blog section
Browse, get to know us, and have your say!