
Dr. László Csiba Rehabilitation Department of the Home for Addiction Patients

Address: 3770 Sajószentpéter, Csiba László utca 1.
Rehabilitation Unit Manager: +36 70 / 199 2794
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: (Rehab menu)


Nature of the problem being treated

Treatment of persons addicted to addiction (alcohol, drugs).


Nature and focus of the therapeutic programme

Our first and most important task is to help addicts to recognise the nature of their illness, to recognise their helplessness and to find new ways to live abstinent, recovering and then, more broadly, sober lives.


Number and gender distribution of jobs

22 persons (6 women, 16 men, separate coeducational separate women's section)


Staff composition by profession/function/activity/role, etc.

Psychiatrists, psychologists, addiction counsellors, spiritual and mental health professionals and nurses. Some of the staff are recovering alcoholics.


Length of the therapy programme

1 year


Is there pre/post-care



Conditions for access to therapy

Admitting alcoholism Medical examination


Exclusionary reasons

Violation of house rules, failure to meet obligations under a therapy contract


Reimbursement fee

3020 Ft per day/person, up to 80% of own income.

For those without income: admission to the institution is on an individual basis

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