
"You cannot change your life without changing yourself."

/Simon du Beauovoir/


You can find us here:

The name of the Foundation is: EGÉSZSÉGDOKK Közhasznú Alapítvány

Address of the Foundation: 2484 Gárdony, Mátyás Király. u. 6.

Chairman of the Board of Trustees: Zsolt Balcsik-Tamás

Phone: +36 30 377 98 26

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


HEALTHOKS Public Benefit Foundation ANSWER Addiction and Drug Prevention Centre - Conference and Mission Centre

Address of the institution: 6100 Kiskunfélegyháza, Jókai u. 30.

Head of school: Judit Barbara Varga

Phone: +36 30 849 01 22

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Tax number: 18000940-1-07


If you can, please support the institution by donating 1% of your income tax!

That's when you'll find us:

The institution welcomes visitors and those seeking assistance at the following times:

Mon-Fri: 12:00-20:00
Even weeks: 14:00-22:00
Odd weeks: 8:00-16:00
Sat: 10:00-18.00


Come on!

Day care is provided for volunteers or relatives,

addicts referred to the institution by other institutions,

as well as family members and relatives in their immediate environment who

a problem with a chemical or behavioural addiction.

To start working as a facilitator, you must express your willingness to cooperate.


Something wrong in your life?
No job?
Do you have a lot to pay?
Is there no community you can belong to?
Do you know where your friends have gone?
Do you have any friends?
Many problems, little help?
Drinking, drugs and alcohol are frequent guests?
Want to quit smoking but don't know how?
You have no idea who to talk to?
Can you break free from alcohol and drug addiction?
Feel like you've had enough?
Are you watching your loved one die?
Do you feel helpless?
Are you full of questions and don't know who to ask them to?


The answer is ANSWER! See what we can do to help!





The purpose of the day-care facility for addicts is to provide care for addicts over the age of 18 who do not require inpatient treatment, and for underage addicts aged 16-18 pursuant to Article 93 (4) of Act III of 1993. The aim of working with clients is to motivate, encourage lifestyle and behaviour change, initiate and facilitate change, and reduce substance use and its associated harms.

With regard to day care for addicts, the following services are provided:

1. Lifestyle counselling, life management assistance.

2. Organisation of group sessions, therapy sessions, evangelisation groups. Self-help groups: N.A.; A.A.; Gamma Gt. group, relatives group, other groups.

3. Individual case management, consultation, supportive conversation.

4. Assistance by phone and in person (information, advice, case management, crisis intervention).

5. Provision of family counselling, individual, couple and family therapy, addiction and pastoral counselling.

6. Facilitating access to primary and specialised health care.

7. Organisation of job opportunities, training and retraining programmes.

8. Assisting with official business.

9. Organising leisure activities.

10. Provision of toilet and laundry facilities.

11. Provision of hot food on request.

12. Legal assistance.



The purpose of the day-care facility for addicts is to provide care for addicts over the age of 18 who do not require inpatient treatment, and for underage addicts aged 16-18 pursuant to Article 93 (4) of Act III of 1993. The aim of working with clients is to motivate, encourage lifestyle and behaviour change, initiate and facilitate change, and reduce substance use and its associated harms.

With regard to day care for addicts, the following services are provided:

1. Lifestyle counselling, life management assistance.

2. Organisation of group sessions, therapy sessions, evangelisation groups. Self-help groups: N.A.; A.A.; Gamma Gt. group, relatives group, other groups.

3. Individual case management, consultation, supportive conversation.

4. Assistance by phone and in person (information, advice, case management, crisis intervention).

5. Provision of family counselling, individual, couple and family therapy, addiction and pastoral counselling.

6. Facilitating access to primary and specialised health care.

7. Organisation of job opportunities, training and retraining programmes.

8. Assisting with official business.

9. Organising leisure activities.

10. Provision of toilet and laundry facilities.

11. Provision of hot food on request.

12. Legal assistance.

Leaflet-day care



It helps recovering addicts to develop independent, new ways of living. We provide accommodation in apartments maintained by the EGÉSZSÉGDOKK Public Charitable Foundation for clients who meet the conditions of care.

Who can use it?

Our clients who are clean, substance-free and employed are recommended for care through a complex needs assessment process, during which professionals assess their condition and needs.

What happens?

They receive weekly individual and group consultations, during which we monitor and support their daily lives. We work together to develop skills and support independent living in response to the individual needs of our clients.

Flyer-subsidised housing



Low-threshold care for addicts aims to reach substance abusers, people who refuse institutional care, deviant young people, hard-to-reach groups, communities, high-risk groups of legal and illegal drug users and their relatives living in Kiskunfélegyháza and its sub-region.

As regards low-threshold care for addiction patients, the following services are provided:

1. Psycho-social interventions;

2. Information and education services;

3. Outreach work;

4. Maintaining a telephone information line;

5. Party service;

6. Drop In "drop in" centre.

In the event of capacity expansion, the operator intends to provide low-threshold care for addicts in an integrated way.



The Centre for Addiction Support and Drug Prevention - Conference and Mission Centre provides preventive and educational services in accordance with the Criminal Code (Act IV of 1978; Criminal Code), the Criminal Procedure Act (Act XIX of 1998; Criminal Procedure Act), Decree 42/2008 (XI. 14.) of the Ministry of Economy and Labour - SZMM.

Diversion is a six-month treatment alternative to punishment for drug experimenters and non-regular users, which can be carried out at the Centre. On the basis of the professional programme, diversions who appear during the preventive-education service may attend individual and group sessions for the duration and at the intervals specified in the legislation applicable to them.



The staff of the VÁLASZ Addiction Support and Drug Prevention Centre - Conference and Mission Centre of the EGÉSZSÉGDOKK Public Benefit Foundation hold preventive group sessions in Kiskunfélegyháza, in the administrative area of the city and in the sub-region according to the needs as follows:

1. Drug prevention training for teachers and other professionals;

2. Drug prevention group sessions (for students, parents and other groups and communities).



The Foundation operates the Conference and Mission Centre in the institution with city, regional and national scope. The conversion of the building into a separate space from the institution has made it possible to accommodate up to 50 people at a time for larger events, professional conferences, vocational and missionary training, residential and other programmes. For this type of programme, the institution can also provide accommodation for participants, making it possible to organise and run training courses lasting several days. The converted rooms will serve as a conference room for events and as a community room and chapel or "quiet room" during the week.



At the ANALYSIS Addiction Support and Drug Prevention Centre of the HEALTHOKS Public Benefit Foundation, people seeking help are treated by qualified professionals, who provide a wide range of services in different forms of care, according to their condition. In addition to these therapeutic options, in order to reach as wide a range of addicts as possible, the institution provides ongoing group sessions to help people seeking help to maintain their existing skills, develop their various skills, recover and reintegrate into society. Our permanent groups within the institution are the followers:

2. Young Relatives Group: for young people whose lives are or have been affected by the alcoholism or addiction of a relative or friend. The group meets every even-numbered week on Mondays between 18.00 and 19.30.

4. 'Control' group: a voluntary group that offers a way of coping with and recovering from alcoholism. The group is constantly expanding and welcomes people in recovery and recovering alcoholics. The group meets every Wednesday from 17.00 to 19.00.

6. A. A.: for recovered alcoholics and alcoholics in recovery. Their members show you how to live without a drink, following the 12 steps. The group meets every Thursday at 17.00.

7. Recreational group: the aim of the group is to structure leisure time appropriately, to learn recreational options as opposed to substance abuse. The group is open every Saturday between 14.00 and 16.00.

9. Individual, couple and family consultations: the institution provides consultations to individuals, couples and families, as and when they arise, in response to the condition and needs of the beneficiaries, led by a qualified staff member, at pre-arranged times with the staff, once a week on Mondays between 14.00 and 19.00.

11. pastoral consultation: according to the needs, as an additional service, the institution provides this service to the clients who are open to it, in the person of OP Máté Barna, who is the Provincial Superior of the Dominican Order of Hungary, on a monthly basis, at times agreed with the staff.

13. Street outreach work: outreach work is aimed at identifying the target group at risk of addiction and the unprovided individuals in the public spaces frequented by young people in the city. This is done by providing information, information and, if necessary, crisis intervention. The street outreach work is carried out daily during the opening hours of the institution in Kiskunfélegyháza.


The organisation is supported by the Hungarian Food Bank Association.

The answer is ANSWER! Come and see us!

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