



2465 Ráckeresztúr,

Madách u 6.






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Our mission is to show those in the bondage of addiction that sobriety is a tool for building a more fulfilling life, and to develop the skills necessary to do so, accompanying them through this difficult phase of their lives.



Therapy self-assessment - ATTILA 9 March 2021.

I arrived at the house eight months and eight days before 01 July 2020. Therapy before the
my life became very tumultuous because of the slip-ups and the police cases and I found out and I
I was scared that I was going in a very wrong direction. At the beginning of my therapy I had no determination and
I didn't have any disease awareness, but after the first 2 months I decided to do the therapy myself and have a normal clean life.


I had no problems fitting in. I found common ground with everyone and was submissive to my peers, mentors and house rules. It was difficult to overcome the anxiety, the discouragement and the uncertainty. What I still struggle with today is dyslexia and reading aloud, which is why I find it difficult to speak in front of many people. I have now managed to change all these things. I am grateful for your patience and courage, which helped me a lot. This summer has left me with lasting memories. It was new for me to be able to experience things like this in rehab and in a clean way. I have very happy memories of the canoe camp and the week of silence, things I will remember for a very long time. These memories made me feel that this really is a special place and that people really do heal and recover here, and I am terribly grateful that life hasn't taken me elsewhere. What I feared was that I wouldn't be accepted and that I wouldn't have enough determination and perseverance, but that has now been completely disproved. For the first few months it was strange for me not to be alone and to always be in company and to be able to say anything. I looked into my past and managed to understand how I got here. What I have done a lot of work on is to recognise my feelings and be able to manage them. From the second phase onwards, it was easier to be here with fewer tasks but more responsibilities.What I was able to practice a lot was determination, reliability and leading by example. From the second phase, I started to feel that I was a full member of the community and that gave me a big boost. I started to see the change in myself and I got a lot of positive reinforcement. But change has not been easy. The many success stories and the adventure again and again were very much reinforced by the shared rides, cycling around Lake Venice, team games and deep conversations with my peers. It's when I feel like I belong to someone who supports me and helps me. A big struggle throughout therapy was the mood swings. It caused many difficult minutes and days. What I would like to highlight is the old office. From that I could take a lot of determination, self-assertion, help and courage. I have tried to take it seriously and set an example with little success. This one month has given me the most.


Which I think I've been able to change a lot during my stay. What is most important to me is determination, taking responsibility, reliability and recognising and expressing emotion. I have developed a lot in understanding and applying the prayer of acceptance and peace. I have learned humility towards my illness and life. For me, communication was a great leap forward in terms of assertive communication, appropriate self-expression and advocacy. My body got stronger and I was able to get myself physically fit. I've learned a lot about myself, but I want to continue this outside. I learnt to set boundaries and to be purposeful, which was missing in my whole life. These eight months have shown me how to live a normal life and I will use everything I have learnt here to have a smooth life. I am indescribably grateful to the house for all that I have received and to my mentors for guiding me on my path and to my peers for holding up an honest mirror to me and accepting me as I am and helping me to change. Thank you for all your courage and love, I will never forget it.


To all my partners I wish you a lot of support and successful therapy and believe in yourselves and you will be missed. I also wish the mentors perseverance and successful work!


Attila 17


Orientation - 1 week



Trial period - 1 week

reliability, credibility

personal hygiene

room availability

punctual attendance in groups

willingness to learn


knowledge and acceptance of the programme

respect for the values of the house


Phase I - 2 months

objective self-reflection


appropriate self-expression

active participation



reliability, trustworthiness

energy, enthusiasm

willingness to work in a group

willingness to prepare for an organised activity

willingness to work in an organised way

ability to manage conflict

ability to ask for help


ability to apply what has been learned

ability to accept supervision


Phase II - 2 months




active participation

ability to encourage

the ability to be prudent and disciplined


reliability, credibility

energy, enthusiasm

problem-solving, decision-making ability

ability to work in a team

preparation for an organised activity

ability to carry out an organised activity

ability to resolve conflicts

ability to ask for help


applying what has been learned


Phase III - 2 months



ability to encourage

problem solving, decision-making skills

ability to prepare and carry out organised activities

setting realistic aftercare goals

ability to integrate into society


Exit phase / aftercare / supported housing

The drug treatment home programme:

The Ráckeresztur Home, which sees itself as a drug-free community, provides professional and human support to those who apply for it. As a drug-free community, it is a place of service and support. Residents can choose to overcome their addictions with the support of the staff and the therapeutic community. Our goal is to develop not only a drug-free lifestyle, but a self-sustaining, fulfilling, substance-free lifestyle. Our staff's supportive attitude is framed by a Rogersian non-directivity, a solution-seeking approach to positive psychology and a Christian values approach. The main values are love, respect and acceptance, which the staff transmit to the residents.


Self-help elements

Addicts are cured when they can convince themselves - that's what treatment is all about, and that's what we help them to do.


Specificities of the adolescent unit

Therapy in the teenage unit takes into account the specificities of childhood and adolescence. Here we provide classroom-based education rather than occupational therapy. Our aim is to stimulate interest in school, develop competence, experience a sense of achievement and reintegration. We liaise with the school, class teacher and head teacher of the person in our care, inform them about exam requirements, if applicable, and give them time, opportunities and tutorial support to prepare. On exam days, we organise transport to the exam. Lessons are held in mini groups and/or individually in parallel, in groups, according to the professional manual for the treatment of adolescents with problems. In the mini groups we work with visual techniques, interactive, playful exercises and experiential pedagogical methods.
In addition to the lessons, daily psycho- and socio-therapeutic sessions (self-awareness, art therapy, sports, competence development, relaxation, imagination, creative, relapse prevention, etc.) are organised. From wake-up to lights out, group, small group and individual consultations and development sessions are ongoing, and leisure time is guided. There is no television in the institution. A film club is organised to complement emotional education.
We hold regular groups of relatives to share information, provide counselling and support.


Who is considered to have closed the programme?

Someone who has successfully completed therapy, is able to self-reflect, has a job (school) and housing, has developed a supportive relationship with their immediate family where possible, has found a link with the local church or other supportive environment.


Options for aftercare

We do not let go of our clients once therapy has ended. To help maintain contact and stay sober, we offer a weekly aftercare group in Budapest and Dunaújváros. Every year we organise the "Old Boys' Meeting" in Ráckeresztúr, where we welcome all our former residents who are on abstinence, together with their families, of course. Our former clients often come back to visit us - to recharge their batteries or to gather strength - and we also keep in touch with our former residents via a closed Facebook group, e-mail and telephone.


Back into society: supported housing service

Most people recovering in rehabilitation homes do not have a supportive family background, and most leave a circle of substance-using friends in their original place of residence - returning there would increase the chances of relapse. Supported housing services help addicts to re-socialise and prevent relapse. This is not just about financial support: it continues to provide a sheltered supportive environment and a therapeutic background for residents who complete the programme. There are conditions for accessing the service, and residents must comply with certain rules of conduct. The stable community background and orderly living arrangements give clients the opportunity to consolidate newly acquired skills and maintain abstinence.

Family Counselling and Training Centre
Ráckeresztúr, Dózsa Gy. u. 4.

In addition to our therapeutic activities, we run a Family Consultation and Training Centre in Ráckeresztúr. In the centre, located at Dózsa Gy. u. 4., we offer accredited drug prevention training for teachers and social workers; and accredited Portage training for social workers, which includes the therapeutic manual of the Canadian-rooted developmental life programme, which is also used in our home.


Drug Mission Links

We are in close professional contact with other institutions of the Reformed Drug Mission: the Clean Community House, which provides drug prevention services, the alcohol and drug-free ADNA Café in Budapest, and the Válaszút Mission, which provides pre- and aftercare in the capital, and the Újváros Drug Outpatient Clinic in Dunaújváros.

Our mission is to show people in the grip of addiction that sobriety is a tool to build a more fulfilling life, and to develop the skills to do so, accompanying them through this difficult phase of their lives.


Our mission:

The current situation in Hungary is that the care system does not provide any high threshold residential care for 11-18 year olds with drug problems. In Hungary, the number of young people under 18 with drug problems has been increasing in recent years. Our aim is to build therapy for young people on the educational programme, with a much closer supportive (mentor) presence. The trend in recent years shows that the first drug use among drug addicts has shifted more and more towards lower ages, with an increasing number of 11-18 year olds. If their treatment is successful, the young people in the programme become useful members of society again. As they are early intervention cases, the effectiveness and efficiency of treatment can be significantly increased. Aims and objectives of the programme

The aim is to help young people who are deviant, substance abusers (alcohol, drugs, gambling, etc.), truant or have been expelled for excessive absenteeism. We want to help young people find their way to a happy young adult life.


Duration of therapy

The duration of the therapy period is personalised and offered by the professional team after the probationary period.

The duration can be from 3 to 12 months. The duration of therapy is determined taking into account the school year, the family support network and the severity of the addiction (dependency).



Qualified, dedicated, caring and, in some cases, experienced professionals who see their work as a vocation.


Field of activity

Providing services to young people nationwide.



Full board in a drug and alcohol free environment, three meals a day, accommodation in triple rooms
Exploring and strengthening existing skills
Stress management, anxiety reduction and resolution
Assertiveness and conflict management
Developing communication
Developing learning skills
Useful use of leisure time
Creating new, more harmonious family dynamics, parental or family consultation
Family therapy
Autonomy and responsibility
Opportunities to live the Christian faith
Experiential therapy sessions
Art therapy
Music therapy
Educational services
Individual case manager consultations
Community and group therapy tools
Aftercare (relapse prevention)

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